A non-refundable deposit retainer fee is required to book your party. With special regards to COVID-19, should you decide you need to cancel or postpone your event, please let us know ASAP. You can put your deposit retainer fee either towards a home visit, a birthday party visit, or any one of our events any time within the next year, so there’s plenty of time to get healthy and celebrate when everyone can safely enjoy the fun! Additionally, Forever Fairest will waive any rescheduling fees within the next year. Should you cancel your event, your deposit will not be returned; however, we (Forever Fairest) will do our best to work with you in finding an alternate date. The remaining balance after the deposit is due on the day of the party, handed to the Princess in cash in a sealed envelope. You can also pay by cheque to Forever Fairest. These are our only two methods of payment on the day. If on the day of the party, the client refuses to pay or does not have the money, the client understands that legal action may be taken against them for failure to pay the balance. Forever Fairest reserves the right to reschedule an event due to any personal emergencies, dangerous weather or driving conditions. Should this very unlikely situation arise, the client will be notified immediately, and the event date will be rescheduled between the client and Forever Fairest at no extra cost. If a date and time cannot be agreed upon, the client will receive any moneys that were paid to Forever Fairest prior to the event, and the requested Princess will record a special video message at no cost to the client.
There is no limit, however our program works best with parties of 5-15 children between the ages of 3 and 7. For parties of more than 15 children, one element from the party program either will be cut, or you have the option to buy additional time onto the party. An addition 15mins is $25, and an additional 30mins is $40, per character. We will discuss with you in order to find the option that best suit your needs.
We recommend that guests arrive at least a ½ hour before the Princess. Our Princesses have a busy schedule, and so she will need to begin all her magical activities as soon as she arrives!
Due to our costumes being very delicate and expensive, in order to maintain their authenticity and upkeep, the Princess can only perform indoors. However, if an outdoor location is both covered and has concrete instead of grass, the Princess in that situation, can perform outdoors. So, please ensure if your party is outdoors, that everyone returns indoors for the hour that the Princess entertains your little ones! Please ensure the Princess has a chair and some sort of table or hard surface (to put her makeup products on), and that the party room is large enough for the children to dance in.
Please note our presence at your party is as an Entertainer. While we are entertaining, it is difficult to keep a visual on all the children, and we do our best to maintain our character integrity as Princesses, and not disciplinarians. So, we ask that in the case of any situation with the children (if they’re crying, need to go to the washroom, etc.) that at least one adult always be present in the same room as the Princess and the children for the full length of the party.
While tipping is not required, if you feel that your Princess’ performance was particularly enchanting at your event, you are more than welcome to show your appreciation with a gratuity for her!
As soon as our performers arrive and until they leave, they will remain in character for the duration of your event, regardless of whether the person they’re interacting with is a child or adult. We ask that adults do not ask the performer his or her “real name”, or any other personal details about the performer’s life. Once the party is done and our performer is out of eyesight and earshot from the children, we are happy to answer any questions, provided we do not have to immediately get to another event.
We ask that the children do not have open food and beverages anywhere near the Princess as accidents can happen, and the Princess’ ballgowns are very delicate and expensive! We also ask that no peanut products be in the vicinity as we have multiple parties in a day and would like to be as safe as possible with all the people we bring magic to!
We are happy to take requests; however, please note that we cannot guarantee a specific performer for a party or event. Our performers are all gorgeous, talented, and wonderfully trained to make magical memories for you and your little ones!
We love furry friends! But please keep your pets and animals in another room, so that our characters can provide the best quality entertainment, without the distraction of any animals running around. We also go to multiple parties in a day and do not want anyone who may be severely allergic to pet hair to be faced with an allergic reaction on their birthday!
If at any time a performer feels that he/she is in an unsafe, hostile, or threatening environment, that performer has the right leave with full compensation from the client. The performer also has the right to refuse to services if the client is negligent, absent, disrespectful, and/or inebriated or under the influence of any foreign substance.
The client shall indemnify and hold harmless Forever Fairest from any losses or damage suffered by Forever Fairest or any third party that may occur or arise during Forever Fairest’s time during the client’s event.
The client may be held responsible for any excessive damages to costumes, wigs, and/or property of Forever Fairest during the Client’s event. The cost to replace/repair damaged/broken costumes or materials will be billed to the Client and must be paid by the client within thirty (30) days.